Holy Resurrection Armenian Apostolic Church
Keghart Winter Edition
Armenian Publications in Social Studies
The link below is to an article that appeared in a journal for midwest social studies educators, written by George Dalbo, Talene Kelegian, Armen Hadjinian and John C. Savagian. It was based on a presentation given at the WI Council of Social Studies annual conference in March 2024. The publication asked several presenters to put the presentations to paper.
George Dalbo, the GenEd fellow, led the article effort.
Click the title below and be sure to read pages 28- 37 of the article:
Powerful Teaching and Learning of Social Studies
A Note from Armen
What if there were no Armenian Churches in America?
Lent gives us a time to reflect on our lives and relationship with God.
Here’s a story that we can all relate to:
The other day, I found a book that belonged to my grandfather. It was
simply an Armenian to English phrase book. Printed in the US in 1914.
I’m sure most of that generation carried something like that to help
navigate their new and different world.
Looking through it, the standard phrases stood out showing the harsh
loneliness of their new life; “I’m a hard worker, please give me a chance”
and “I would like to find a bed to sleep in”. But what gave me chills as I
held that same book that my grandfather held, was this line: “I go to the
Baptist church”, and “Where is the Protestant church”. But no Armenian.
Why? There was no Armenian church in America.
Imagine this season, this life, your family, if these immigrants just gave
up and assimilated, lost their faith, their culture, their history. Our world
would be dramatically different. Please take a moment to think of what
they lost and what was given to us.
Sub-Deacon Armen Hadjinian
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Dues must be paid by December 31, 2026
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Friendly Reminder
Retiree Club at St. Mesrob’s in Racine, WI,
Second Thursday of every month from 1:00pm-3:30pm.
Contact Armen for information: 414-403-8923
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Centennial Celebration
Holy Resurrection Welcomes You to
Celebrate 100 years of Faith and Community.
All are welcome to attend
our Centennial Celebration with
His Grace Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan
Click HERE for details and ticket sales.

The Sunrise Service
Performed at daybreak, celebrates God as the giver of the morning light
and the Light of Salvation.
Throughout the period of Great Lent the altar curtain is closed,
symbolizing man’s expulsion from paradise.
The main altar represents the kingdom and paradise.
By closing the curtain, we are called to repentance and
to deep spiritual reflection on how much we need
God’s presence in our lives.
~ Excerpt from Vemkar Topical Series
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