Holy Resurrection Armenian Apostolic Church
Paree Yegak - "Welcome"

Need Services?
If you would like to speak with
Fr. Sahak, please contact him at
414-745-6264 (mobile) or
frsahak@gmail.com (email).
Sub-Deacon Armen's
number is
Liturgy is held
the first Sunday
of each month at 10am.

Our church offers a traditional setting
for your most sacred celebrations.
Consider Holy Resurrection for home blessings, marriages, funerals and more.
“Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for
then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 6:1

Dear Faithful Parishioners and Friends
of Holy Resurrection ArmenianChurch,
As we enter into the season of Great Lent, the Armenian Church presents
us with a great teaching from the Gospel according to Matthew. In it Jesus warns His listeners to be sincere in the practice of piety, especially when it comes to fasting, prayer and giving alms or donations for the poor. His message is also intended for us as His followers today. Jesus warns us notto use our pious actions as an occasion to judge or criticize or be resentful toward others. The way we practice our piety should be for our own spiritual uplifting and for enhancing our relationship with our Creator. It is especially important for us to check our attitude as we enter the season of Great Lent.
As we practice our piety during Great Lent, the focus should be less on
what we do and more on how we do it. Great Lent is a time for us to reset our focus. It is a time for us to think about what is really important in life. It is a time to reconnect with our Creator and a time to become aware of our existence not only as physical creatures but as spiritual beings. I believe that the Church has given us to season of Great Lent as a time to unplug from the crazy, hectic pace of life. It is a time for us to reboot and to start to function normally, according to God's plan. Great Lent is a time intended for us to experience goodness in the life Our Creator has given us.
So during this season of Great Lent, let us make efforts to adjust our
behavior and perform pious acts, not as an occasion to judge or criticize
others but rather as an opportunity to develop our own spiritual discipline, to bring honor to the Lord and to bring us closer to God, Our Creator.
With blessings,
Der Sahak